Course Code RIIRIS601E
Course Name Establish and maintain the risk management system (G3)
Course Pathway
RPL / Refresher


This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain the risk management system in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries. This unit is appropriate for those working in management roles.

This competency is required to be refreshed at least every 5 years as per Reg. 84 of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 (Qld).

Entry & Course Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course, however, you must possess basic literacy and numeracy skills. You may be required to complete a Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) indicator prior to enrolling.

Post successful completion of the theory assessment, you must be able to provide sufficient evidence of prior recognised learning (RPL) in order to be able to gain a competent outcome. Minimum evidence includes, but does not limit the following:

    • Current CV / Resume
    • Professional referees
    • Professional development / further education evidence (template provided)
    • RIIRIS601D Statement of Attainment (Refresher pathway)
    • Evidence of a Risk Management System (or components such as BBRAs, WRACs etc) you have designed and others you have reviewed.
    • Operational level risk assessment (BBRA, Bow Tie or similar) that includes your name as Facilitator
    • Corrective Action Plans in relation to requirements of an established Risk Management System
    • Consultation notes you have had facilitated with the workforce

You will have 90 days to complete the course and provide sufficient evidence.

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